
Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Just when I'm thinking everything is fine and I'm going along with life as usual (having taken a day off-finally) after trying to push out the dealing with the loss of the pups...I keep having itty bitty breakdowns.

See, I thought things were good. I thought that I had taken that one day to cry and let my eyes stay puffy for over a day and a half, but little things keep coming back. I'm checking out my space pictures-frankie...I go to bed-Frankie's collar on the nigtstand...I have dreams-frankie is trying to jump up on the bed.

Yes, it's painful and yes, I miss him so very very much that I can barely talk about it; however, at the same tiime, he gave me so much love and happiness that I would take every second of pain I'm going through over not having had him at all.

The best dog in the whole wide world and I obviously miss him infinitely.....