
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My Thoughts in the Last Ten Minutes

Noodle issue: Just happened with some reheated rice. Remind me, why do I look at pictures of meal worms when I know they gross me out and only contribute to my phobias?


Still haven't felt the baby kick. I'm thinking it either means I am going to have a stubborn child or will be one of the lucky moms who gets their infant to sleep through the night within a month. Hint: I'm not necessarily what you'd call a "lucky" person.


Is a mortgage almost 2 grand higher than we pay for rent worth living on my favorite street in Fullerton?


I feel like I see a belly, but everytime I mention it, I get shot down by husband. Either I've always looked this puffy or I'm eating the average person's weekly salt intake in one day.


The Snuggie is BS and the "ultra soft fleece" is actually synthetic, nasty, staticky fleece. I cannot imagine something I'd rather have further away from my body.