
Friday, September 07, 2007

So long...hopefully, not for long


I'm not going to bullshit around. Overall, the past year has had some pretty sucky stuff happen. Shall we review?

Hrmmmm....my gramma passed away, my dog died, I realized some of the people in my life were more willing to go with someone else's opinion of me, rather than stick with what they knew. Should I go on? Oh yeah, I lost my job. Suffice it to say, I felt a little low last week.

Nevertheless, time goes on and things get better, right? Looking at the brighter side of the year...

One of my dearest friends gave birth to a beautiful little girl who amazes me with how much she's grown and learned each time I see her. My brother got married to a girl that is absolutely perfect for him and I'm lucky to call her my sister in law. I actually have about a little over a month of (ahem) paid vacation and the weather has never been more perfect. The people in my life that matter and know me best are still in my day to day life, and I theirs. So in hindsight, at least I'm still living and breathing, plus I know I'll be all the better after these experiences that have not been so pleasant.

I've been feeling better this week and it's nice to have some time off that actually works with Geoff's scheduled off time, so we've been hanging out and (gasp!) actually having a lot of fun together. Anyway, I finally threw my resume together and it's time to start throwing myself back out into the big scary world of the job search. Unfortunately, this also means that I'm going to have to close this little personal thing down for a bit and move on to something a bit more professional. Link to come...just in case anyone out there really wants to see my attempt to woo potential employers with my fancy skills.

Catch ya on the upside and hell yes, I'll be laughing all the way.